Tax Identification Number also known as TIN for short is a numeric code assign by the Bureau of Internal Revenue to each tax-paying individual.
It is composed–12 digits wherein the first nine digits as the TIN proper and the last three digits represent the branch code. A Tax Identification Number is an identifying number used for for identification, tax tracking, and record-keeping purposes.
A TIN card or TIN ID is an identification card that has your TIN, full name, birth date, address, signature, photo, and card issue date. It’s a yellow card issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).
How to Get TIN Number
BIR Form 1902 – Application for Registration For Individuals Earning Purely Compensation Income (Local and Alien Employee)
Documentary Requirements
1. Any identification issued by government body (e.g. Birth Certificate, passport, driver’s license,) that shows the name, address and birthdate of the applicant;
2. Marriage Contract, if married.
3. For Alien Employee – Passport; and
4. Working Permit; or Photocopy of duly received Application for Alien Employment Permit (AEP) by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
1. Filled up the BIR Form 1902 and submit the same together with the documentary requirements to your employer.
2. The employer shall accomplish the applicable sections of the application form.
3. Submit BIR Form 1902 to the Revenue District Office (RDO) having jurisdiction over the place of office of the employer where such employee is expected to report for work.
New employees shall accomplish and file the application within ten (10) days from date of employment.
Steps in Passport Application for New Applicants.
” Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a Lifetime Number. Possessing of two TIN is subject to Penalty.”
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