Advantages in Working in the Government.
For some, working in the government is more attractive than working in a private sector. Filipino employees have a positive outlook on working for the government. Being able to work in the government is a feeling of fulfillment as you can serve your fellowmen.
Working in a government is under the power of the CSC – the Civil Service Commission. The Civil Service Commission has the rules and regulation that needs to be followed while working in a government. You need to passed the Civil Service Examination as the job vacancies of the government requires for it.
Advantages of Working in the Philippine Government:
1. Job Security– A direct opposite to a private companies, the government will not cease its operation.
- Government jobs are more secure and not threaten by any market downfall. Once you are already permanent employee of the government you will not be removed in your position as long as you don’t violate the rules and regulations. You can work until you reach the mandatory retirement age which is sixty five years of age. A Government job is always there no matter what happen to the economy. Your work as a public servant will just continue until your resignation or retirement.
2. Better Working Arrangement –
- Government workers have 2 days rest day compare to private which is only one day rest day. This allows you to have 2 days to spend with your family and other immediate needs. Since you got a 2 days off, the tendency of you filing leave to do some important task is minimize, and making you leaves credit intact.
3. Attractive Salary and Benefits – Governments employees have more benefits compare to the private employees.
- Entitled to 13-day vacation and 13-day sick leave in a year with only a mandatory of 5 days to be consumed in a year and the rest 25 days can be saved future use or convertible to cash upon retirement.
- 13th month is given half on May and the other half is given in November. 14th month pay is available
- Christmas Bonus is available
4. Personal and Skills Development – Public sector always offers seminars, continuous learning and development to its employees. They encourage or required their employees to participate in seminars and training programs which can improve the employees work skills.
5. Making a difference as a public servant.- there is a feeling of fulfillment in working in a governments as it allow you to have a direct impact on the lives of Filipinos. Focusing on providing aid for the community or the Local Government Unit you’re working, one can feel a greater sense of purpose in their work.
6. Great Retirement Fund–
- Public employees have the option to join both the two country’s retirement companies the GSIS exclusive for government employees and the SSS for the private sector for its retirement fund. By joining this two you will be assured of amazing retirement benefits once you retired. Compulsory retirement age is at 65 years old but you have the option to retired at the age of sixty years old.
- One of the great aspect of the retirement in the government is that once you retire you can recommend and immediate family member for the post that you have vacated.
- Early retirement benefit is available to 10 years of service equal to half of normal retirement benefit.
” As a Public Servant you are considered as a Model Citizen”
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