Machine Operators (40) Taiwan Hiring Opportunities
Taiwan Jobs Vacancies
Planning to work in Taiwan? Then, today is the right time to apply as Taiwan has job vacancy for Machine Operators.
A total of 40 slots is available thru a license POEA recruitment agency the JEDEGAL INT’L MANPOWER SERVICES, INC. with POEA license POEA LIC. -171-LB-092019-R for Machine Operators with POEA Accreditation no. 101102799. Check the details for the hiring if you qualify.
Here’s the details of the said hiring. Interna
Salary Offer: NT$ 27,470 (Php 49,446)
DMW Accreditation no. 101102799
Work Location: Taiwan
General Qualifications:
- College graduate or 2 yrs vocational course graduate
- The job requires both Male and Female applicants.
- With or without experience.
- Candidate age 30 years old and below.
- Height: 165 cm and above for Male
- Height: 153 cm and above for Female
Documentary Requirements :
- Passport (valid for 2 years)
- NBI Clearance (6 months validity/ Multi-Purpose Clearance)
- Picture (2×2 white background)
- Birth Certificate (from local civil registrar)
- Marriage Certificate (from local civil registrar)
- Diploma with Transcript of Records
- Voter’s ID or Certificate with receipt from Comelec Intramuros
- Unified ID (Multi-purpose ID), if No UMID please apply to your to your nearest SSS Branch
- PEOS Certificate https://peos.dmw.gov.ph/
- E-Registration Services (https://onlineservices.dmw.gov.ph//OnlineServices/POEAOnline.aspx)
- Vaccine Card
If you have the above qualifications and interested to work in Taiwan then apply for the said hiring
How to Apply
- Send/email documentary Requirements to: factory_workers@jedegal.com.ph
- Apply Online: https://www.jedegal.com.ph/apply-custom.php
Apply now and be hired to enjoy the awesome benefits
Good Luck!!!
For manpower pooling only. No fees in any form will be collected from applicants. Apply only to recruitment agencies licensed by DMW
For more information and inquiries please call:
0947-288-1133 | 0929-819-6107 | 0905-282-7419 | 0967-1367708
G/F & 2/F Accent Tower No. 33 Shorthorn St. Proj. 8, Quezon City
Website: https://www.jedegal.com.ph
Email address: factory_workers@jedegal.com.ph
Contact Numbers: (02) 8352-2192 | 8352-2193
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